Not sure which I'll start first, but here goes:
The Troubled Life of Jess Parlonne-
Jess is a normal, everyday girl. She has a loving mother, or she appears to be. Jess's mother is usually too busy with her babysitting job or just gaming out on the computer. Jess's grandmother on the other hand (known by Jess as Gramma), is very overprotective of her. She watches her like a hawk whenever she's at home, especially when she has her guy friends over. Her Gramma scares them, and they won't talk to Jess at school anymore. Jess is growing tired of losing her friends, but she doesn't want to upset her loving Gramma. What is she going to do?
Ben Jammin The Widower Rockstar-
Ben is a famous rockstar. He recently lost his wife, and he puts all his time into his work. But, that isn't a very good thing for poor, little Princess. Princess is Ben's only child, the only love left to him in life. He spoils her, and she has everything she could ever want, or so he thinks. Princess wants two things: a mother to love her and care for her, and her father to spend more time with her. Her only friends are Prince, her little doll, and her favourite baby-sitter that moved in with them when Ben saw how much his daughter liked the company. The reason she likes his company is that her gives her lots of attention. She thinks of him as the older brother she never had.
What's Going On Here? The Heist That Changed It All-
Jennifer is from a long line of thieves; her family's surname became Thief over the years. Jenny is a thief just as her mother was and all her mothers before her, but unlike her mother, Jennifer doesn't want to marry a policeman to hide the fact of her heritage from the world. Now she's on all the wanted lists, and she's hidden herself so well that the cops still haven't found her. She's been in the thieving business since childhood, going with her grandmother on robbery missions until someone close to the family was caught. The Thiefs didn't want to risk themselves anymore, so Jennifer was forced to wait until she was old enough to move and start thieving on her own. Now she plans the biggest heist of them all, the one that will make her even more famous on the wanted list, the one she's been waiting all her life to attempt.
Matt was a cop for the longest time, but when younger policemen joined the force, he was let go. He went and found a job at the local museum. He had applied for the night-shift, but he was turned down because they didn't want his help. Sadly, Matt had started walking away when one of the women took pity on him and offered him the job as janitor. Matt graciously accepted, and was given his supplies. Whenever Matt could though, he'd check on the museum's most prized item. He wanted so much to protect that item, but he was allowed nowhere near it. One night, when the night-shift had gone home sick, he put himself on duty. The night watch was his for the night, the authorities had forgotten to send for the replacement. That night changed his life forever.
What Lies In My Mirror-
Grace's father was throwing a rich people only party, and Grace invited her boyfriend to come hang out with her there. They were having tons of fun dancing, all the guests watching them. Grace stopped dancing and started talking to Hal about how envious everyone would be when they got married. Hal broke up with her and immediately latched onto another girl nearby; he doesn't want to settle down.
Grace runs into the bathroom, barely containing her tears, and looks in the mirror. What she sees that night changes her life forever.When Grace suddenly disappears, and Hal realizes that it's all his fault. He looks everywhere for her, willing to change his ways if he finds her.
I think that's it. I need to upload the households and double check to make sure. I hope you like it. Feel free to give me feedback. The Sims have their descriptions in their bio, so I tried to go from memory. Download the Sims if you want to know for sure. And please don't forget to rec'd. I worked hard on everything.