Late one night in Sunset Valley, known at the time as the Courageous Kingdom by its inhabitants, we focus on one family.
The Goth family.
Late one night, Prince Mortimer returns to Goth Manor looking worried. Princess Bella didn't meet him at the doors after private school ended. She had promised to meet him as soon as the bell rang, but when she didn't appear after an hour, Prince Mortimer went home reluctantly.

He saw the Queen reading a pregnancy book in the kitchen. "Mother?" Mortimer began. "Have you seen Bella this afternoon?"
"No, sorry, I haven't. Why, dear?" she replied without looking up from her book.
"Oh. I didn't see her after school let out."
"Ask your father. He's in the courtyard."

So Prince Mortimer hurried out to the courtyard, and spotted the King reading an important book from some Lord.
"Father? Did Bella come see you for her daily princess duties when she came home?"
"No, son, she didn't. As far as I know, she hasn't come home at all."
If father hasn't seen her, then she must not have come home today. Prince Mortimer realized. He quickly headed out of the courtyard.
There was only one place she could be. Prince Mortimer headed back to the school and just looked at it. She could be anywhere. Prince Mortimer thought.
Just then, the Prince saw someone exit the front doors right in front of him. It was the evil school bully, VJ. Known by all the private school students bullied by him as, the 'Dragon'. Mortimer knew that the Dragon would have kidnapped the princess. So, he mentally prepared to fight him.

Prince Mortimer slowly walked up to the Dragon and yelled, "BOO!" The Dragon was momentarily terrified.
When he saw that it was Prince Mortimer, he scolded him. Prince Mortimer commanded, "VJ, I know you kidnapped the princess. Where is she?" VJ laughed at him.
That infuriated poor Prince Mortimer so much that he started yelling at the Dragon.
The Dragon was surprised, and since Prince Mortimer was so brave, the Dragon relented and told Prince Mortimer that he would show him where Princess Bella was.

Prince Mortimer started to lead the way, unknowingly heading in the wrong direction.

"Um, Mortimer, she's not over there." The Dragon tried not to laugh.
"Right. I knew that." Prince Mortimer said hastily.
The Dragon rolled his eyes. "Just follow me, okay?" The Dragon then lead Prince Mortimer to where he was keeping Princess Bella trapped and left immediately after.
"Bella?" Prince Mortimer called out after the Dragon left.
"Who said that?" Princess Bella asked, confused.
"It's me, Mortimer. I'll get you out of there."

"How?" Princess Bella inquired. "These bars are really big and thick."
"Don't worry. Just back up a bit."

Prince Mortimer hammered hard on the nearest bar, and it crumpled into dust.

After the dust cleared, Bella stood, stunned, just staring at the place where the bar was standing only a moment before. Then she shook her head and walked out.

She stared at Prince Mortimer for a moment and then she pulled him into a hug. She squeezed him tightly, holding him close. Reluctantly, she released him.

"How'd you do that?" she asked, happily surprised and very relieved to be free.
"It was extremely easy. Hey, let's go home, okay? My parents will probably be wondering where I am, and they'll be happy to know that I found you."

Princess Bella agreed and they went home. When they entered the manor, they discovered that the Queen had just given birth to triplets: Princess Indigo, Princess Emma and Princess Bonny. All of them were given royal dolls by the royal sewer. Princess Indigo's was named Snake, Princess Emma's was Eric, and little Princess Bonny had Ben.
Prince Mortimer told his family of their adventure that day, and with that, everyone went to bed happy.
That was really cute, Kitty. Bella and Morty are always so good together-no matter the era :).
ReplyDeleteThanks! Sorry I didn't see this earlier. BTW, new stories coming up!